🌞 Installation
Packages marked with 🔸 are maintained by community members (i.e. not the cargo-msrv authors). A big thank you to them!
Using Cargo:
You can install cargo-msrv from source by using Cargo, the Rust package manager and build tool (package).
How to install the latest stable release?
cargo install cargo-msrv
How to install the latest stable release more quickly?
Similar to the above, but allows for only the default channel to obtain a list of rustc releases. This compiles about 40% faster and produces binaries about half the size in the range of 4.5MB.
cargo install cargo-msrv --no-default-features
How to install the latest development release?
You may install cargo-msrv from GitHub:
cargo install cargo-msrv --git https://github.com/foresterre/cargo-msrv.git --branch main
Arch Linux 🔸
cargo-msrv is available from the Arch Linux extra repository.
How to install?
pacman -S cargo-msrv
Nix 🔸
cargo-msrv is available from the Nix package manager and in NixOS (package):
How to install (nixpkgs)?
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.cargo-msrv
How to install (NixOS)?
nix-env -iA nixos.cargo-msrv
NB: When installing with nix-shell --pure
, ensure that rustup
is available in the environment.
Other options
You may also build the program from source by cloning the repository and building a release from there.
How to build a release?
git clone git@github.com:foresterre/cargo-msrv.git
git checkout v0.16.0 # NB: Find the latest release tag here: https://github.com/foresterre/cargo-msrv/tags
cd cargo-msrv
cargo install cargo-msrv --path . # OR cargo build --release && mv ./target/cargo-msrv ./my/install/directory
How to build the latest development version from source?
git clone git@github.com:foresterre/cargo-msrv.git
cd cargo-msrv
cargo install cargo-msrv --path . # OR cargo build --release && mv ./target/cargo-msrv ./my/install/directory
You may find additional installation options in the README.