Foresterre's Treehouse

A blog by Martijn Gribnau

27 Feb 25

A sneak peek Into::<Rust> (slide deck, 2022)

Today I rediscovered a slide deck I made for a lunch talk I gave at the beginning of 2022. It is an introduction to Rust, and specifically the features which made me fall in love with Rust since 2014.

It was aimed at an engineering audience consisting of among others software engineers, mechanical engineers and control systems engineers. Everyone in the audience had at least some programming experience.

I decided to post it to my blog, in case anybody would like to use it for inspiration, or would find it otherwise useful.

The slide deck can be found here.

P.S. the title was a bit of an inside joke. It might not roll off the tongue as nicely as I would have wanted otherwise 🙃.